
Travelling around the world

Now that papers are more or less in their way, and things are moving, the next thing to do is to prepare the honeymoon, a trip of 6 weeks around South America.

The idea is to visit places like the Iguazu falls, Galapago Islands, Costa Rica and Machu Pichu….and more of course! but 6 weeks is unfortunately not enough time to visit all what we would like to see…and there is still not enough money!


The trip will probably either start in Mexico or Chile, then Uruguay, Peru, Bolivia, Galapago Islands, Costa Rica and then back to London..so that’s why the lonely planet island guide, is sooo important…I hoping that it will give us a good idea about the places and where to stay, and of course Timmy’s diary will also help to see what places should be avoid! Jokes aside, this is going to be huge task but hopefully a good one…

Let the force be with you….

Categories: Honeymoon

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